报名须知 Exam Registration


  • 2025年AP考试将在5月5日-9日和5月12日-16日两周内以线下考试形式进行。
  • 同一名考生每年只能报考同一门AP考试一次,不能重复报考或在不同考点报名参加同一科目考试。禁止在不同AP考点报名参加同一门考试,违反者考试报名将面临被取消。
  • 来自中国的AP学校的学生必须通过Prometric报考下面列出的考试科目。
  • 学生在同一年只能报考AP微积分AB或AP微积分BC其中一门,不能同时报考两门。
  • 学生可以在一年内参加所有四门AP物理考试。
  • 考试时间冲突科目安排:
    • AP环境科学和AP物理2:学生只能报考5月13日的AP物理2考试和5月23日的AP环境科学考试。
    • AP计算机原理和AP物理C:电磁学:学生只能报考5月15日的AP物理C:电磁学考试和5月23日的AP计算机原理考试。
  • AP Art and Design艺术设计(包含2D/3D/Drawing科目)和AP Research学术论文:
    • 学校不需要自己操作预定这些考试,请通过Prometric统一报名。报名缴费流程与纸笔考试相同;
    • 这些科目无线下考试,学生需在线提交作品集,请关注College Board相关信息及提交截止日期。只有成功订购的需提交作品集的考试才会发送到AP项目以评分;
    • 请访问AP学生网页获取作品集操作流程;
    • 教师和学生注意:需要上传数码作品的科目,所有作品及论文上传截止日期必须按照AP官方指定日期,Prometric不再提醒。
    • AP Research学术论文报考资格:仅限于在College Board 授权开设AP Research课程的学校正式选修该课程的学生。AP管理员在上传名单时请确认选课名单,自学学生不能报考AP Research学科。
  • Prometric中国不提供的AP考试科目,考生请访问Prometric新加坡AP考试报名官网https://www.prometric.com/CBAPSG,或者韩国、中国香港特别行政区等地的其它考点。
  • 从2025年5月起,AP考试全部转为使用Bluebook机考应用程序进行机考。中国考生适用科目如下:

    • 全面机考科目


    • 混合机考科目



    • 考试设备要求提示:Bluebook支持在Mac、Windows电脑和iPad上进行考试。Bluebook机考应用程序必须在考试之前安装并测试成功,以确保考试正常进行。

      • 电池最少续航时间4小时。
      • Chromebook不适应于Prometric在中国的考场。
      • 在iPad或Windows平板电脑上参加AP考试需要使用物理键盘。


    • 完整信息,请参考英文网站:https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/exam-administration-ordering-scores/digital-ap-exams/28-exams-digital-2025


  • 必须是就读于有College Board的CEEB学校代码(6位数字学校代码)并有AP授权的学校的学生。如需申请CEEB学校代码,请学校管理人员填写此申请表:https://schoolcode.collegeboard.org
  • Prometric只为AP授权学校提供考试服务,不受理非AP学校的社会学生报名。
  • 考生必须具有政府颁发的合法有效身份证件如下。
    • 中国大陆居民身份证
    • 港澳居民居住证
    • 台湾居民居住证
    • 港澳居民来往内地通行证
    • 台湾居民来往大陆通行证
    • 港澳特区居民身份证
    • 港澳特区护照
    • 护照(仅限非中国籍)


  1. 报名时提交的有效证件类型、姓名及姓名拼写、生日等信息必须与考试时携带的有效证件类型、姓名及姓名拼写、生日等信息完全一致。
  2. 中国大陆考生必须携带有效的中华人民共和国居民身份证原件参加考试,这是唯一接受的身份证件。根据中华人民共和国相关法律,任何年龄的公民,均可在户籍所在地申领居民身份证。请考生确认在AP考试期间,其所持身份证必须在有效期内、芯片信息读取功能正常、本人当前相貌无重大改变(如整容、性别改变等)。否则,建议考生立即重新申请新的身份证。
  3. 中国香港和澳门考生必须携带有效期内的港澳居民來往內地通行证、港澳居民大陆居住证、港澳特区身份证或港澳特区护照原件参加考试;此证件必须与准考证显示的证件号码一致。
  4. 中国台湾考生必须携带有效的台湾地区居民往来大陆通行证原件或台湾居民大陆居住证原件参加考试;此证件必须与准考证显示的证件号码一致。
  5. 非中国籍考生必须携带有效护照原件参加考试。护照明确显示考生的姓名、本人近期照片和签字,并带有合法有效的中国入境签证(包括合法有效居留许可)。
  • 注意:每门考试都需要通过身份核查,未通过身份核查将被视为身份证件不符合要求不能入场参加考试。身份证件不符合要求的包括以下情况(但不仅限于):
  1. 身份证件非原件
  2. 身份证件种类不符合前述2-5中身份证件要求
  3. 身份证件照片与考生当前形象不一致
  4. 身份证件有效截至日期早于考试日期
  5. 身份证件姓名和生日与准考证上的信息不符
  6. 身份证件信息芯片读取功能缺失


  • AP学校管理员需要先收集学生信息并建立以学校为单位的AP考试报名信息文件,列出本校的AP学生及需要报考的科目。
  • 只有AP学校管理员提交的名单里的学生和科目才有资格进入Prometric系统,进行下一步考试报名及缴费。
  • 所有在Prometric已完成报名并缴费的学生保证有考位。
  • 报名缴费之前,学生可在考点名录页面或登录MyAPChina网站https://myapchina.prometric.com.cn查看所属学校对应的考点所在城市。具体考试地点将在4月初发布。
  • 报名信息,包括姓名及姓名拼写、证件类型及证件号和生日等将显示在准考证上并且不可更改,且必须和考试时携带有效证件信息保持一致。准考证(包含确切考点地址)在考前一个月左右可以下载。
  • 姓名拼写与中文姓名不一致,请联系AP Services修改学生账户信息。
  • 关于AP Art and Design艺术设计(包含2D/3D/Drawing科目)和AP Research学术论文
    • 报名缴费流程与线下机考科目相同。
    • 这些需在线提交数字作品集的考试科目与考点无关。报名过程中提示查询考场地点时,请输入在上面步骤找到的考点所在城市名称。此步骤仅用于完成缴费的目的。
    • 报名过程中显示的考试日期和时间是作品集上传和提交的截止时间。
    • 付费成功后,系统会发送缴费确认信邮件给学生。Prometric将代学生订购考试以便学生上传和提交作品集。
    • 付费成功的科目才会由AP评分。学生必须在截止日期之前上传和提交数字作品集才能获得评分。
  • 报名、缴费及确认的时间节点,AP学校管理员,学生/家长的报名操作指导,请在报名流程页面查询下载。
  • 确因身体健康或残疾等原因,考试期间需要特别照顾的考生,必须申请大学理事会官方批准,普尔文才能以特殊情况处理。请访问大学理事会网站了解相关信息:https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/administering-exams/administer-ap


  • AP考试每科费用为¥1475元人民币,包含¥88元手续费和税费(不可退还)。Prometric接受支付宝或微信支付缴纳考试费。
  • 一旦考生确认报考并完成支付,将不支持取消或退款。
  • 如因不可抗力或Prometric和大学理事会都无法控制的事件或情况,导致注册考试不成功或者考点不能正常举办考试,则可退款(扣去手续费和税费)。退款金额只能退回原支付账号,务必使用学生本人或者学生家长长期使用的支付宝或者微信账号进行支付。
  • AP考试不提供补考。已报名考生如果弃考、缺考或其他原因,所缴考试费不予退款。

Important to Know:

  • The 2025 AP Exams will be administered as paper-and-pencil exams over two weeks in May: May 5–9 and May 12–16.
  • The AP Program permits students to register at only ONE testing location for each subject. Do not attempt to register for the same exam at Prometric and any other AP test centers. Doing so will jeopardize a student’s exam registration altogether. Students from designated AP schools in China must register with only Prometric for the subjects listed below. 
  • Students can only register for either AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC in the same year, but not both.
  • Students can take all four AP Physics exams in one year.
  • Subjects with exam date conflict:
    • AP Environmental Science and AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based: Students who wish to take both AP Environmental Science and AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based should register AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based on May 13 and AP Environmental Science on May 23 (late testing).
    • AP Computer Science Principles and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism: Students who wish to take both AP Computer Science Principles and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism should register AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism on May 15 and AP Computer Science Principles on May 23 (late testing).
  • AP Art and Design (2D, 3D, Drawing) and AP Research.
    • Eligibility to apply for the AP Research: Only students who have officially taken the AP Research course at schools authorized by the College Board to offer the course. AP Coodinator must confirm the course selection roster when uploading the list. Self-study students cannot apply for the AP Research exam.
    • Note: Please upload Digital Portfolio before the deadline, which is indicated on College Board website. Prometric will not remind the deadline again.
    • Visit AP Students for AP Art and Design portfolio process.
    • These exams do not have end of course paper-and-pencil exams. Students are responsible for submitting digital works through the AP Digital Portfolio system directly to AP. A student’s portfolio exam will only be sent to the AP Program for scoring if an exam has been ordered on behalf of the student.
    • AP schools will not order by themselves and must order these exams through Prometric. Their registration and payment procedure is the same as other exams.
  • For all other exam subjects that are not offered by Prometric China, students may register with the Prometric's AP test center in Singapore (https://www.prometric.com/CBAPSG), or other authorized AP test centers in Hong Kong SAR of China or S. Korea.
  • Starting in May 2025, standard paper testing will be discontinued for 28 AP Exams, these exams will move to the Bluebook digital testing application. Subjects applied to students in China:
    • Fully Digital Subjects

      AP Art History
      AP Computer Science A
      AP Computer Science Principles
      AP English Language and Composition
      AP English Literature and Composition
      AP Environmental Science
      AP Psychology
      AP Seminar
    • Hybrid Digital Subjects

      Students complete multiple-choice questions and view free-response questions in Bluebook. They handwrite their free-response answers in paper exam booklets that are returned for scoring.

      AP Biology
      AP Calculus AB
      AP Calculus BC
      AP Chemistry
      AP Macroeconomics
      AP Microeconomics
      AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
      AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
      AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
      AP Physics C: Mechanics
      AP Precalculus
      AP Statistics

    • Reminder on device requirements: Bluebook supports testing on Mac and Windows devices, and iPads. Bluebook must be installed and tested successfully before test day.

      • Minimum battery life is 4 hours for AP Exams.
      • Chromebooks is not applied at Prometric sites in China.
      • Physical keyboards are required for AP Exams taken on iPads or Windows tablets.

      Note: Be sure to review the complete specifications before you install. Reference site: https://bluebook.collegeboard.org/technology/devices.

    • More information regarding digital AP exam, please refer below site https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/exam-administration-ordering-scores/digital-ap-exams/28-exams-digital-2025

Student Eligibility Policy: Failure to comply may result in cancelled registrations.

  • Students must be enrolled at an AP authorized school with a CEEB Code/College Board School Code. If you need to apply for a CEEB school code, a school administrator should complete this form: https://schoolcode.collegeboard.org.
  • Self-study students who do not attend an AP-authorized school will not be able to register with Prometric.
  • Students must have a valid, government issued personal ID.
    • China Mainland National ID
    • China Hong Kong and Macau Residential ID
    • China Taiwan Residential ID
    • China Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents
    • China Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents
    • China Hong Kong/Macau SAR PR ID
    • China Hong Kong/Macau SAR Passport
    • Passport for non-China Nationality

Requirements for Identification documents:

  1. The valid ID which candidate present for test must be the same registration information including valid ID type, ID number, name and date of birth.
  2. Candidates from Mainland China must use their valid original resident Identity Cards of the People's Republic of China to take the exam; that is the only acceptable identity certificates. According to the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China, citizens of any age can apply for their resident ID cards at the registering place for permanent residence. Please confirm that the ID card you hold is still valid with normal chip information reading function and that there is no major change in your current appearance (e.g. plastic surgery and gender change). Otherwise, you are advised to re-apply for a new ID immediately.
  3. Candidates from Hong Kong and Macau must carry their valid Mainland Travel Permits for Hong Kong and Macau Residents, Mainland Residence Permits for Hong Kong and Macau Residents, Hong Kong and Macau SAR Identity Cards, and Hong Kong and Macau SAR Passports to take the exam.
  4. Candidates from Taiwan, China, must carry their original valid Mainland Travel Permits for Taiwan Residents or the original Mainland Residence Permits for Taiwan Residents to take the exam.
  5. Candidates of non-China nationality must carry valid original passports to take the exam. The passport must clearly show the Candidate's name, recent photo and signature, and bears a Chinese entry visa.
  • Note: Candidates are required to pass the identity verification before the exam of each subject. Failure to pass the identity verification will be regarded as ineffective ID Certificate and will cause the refusal to admission. The circumstances in which an ID Certificate does not meet the requirements include:
    1. The provided ID Certificate is not original
    2. The type of ID Certificate does not meet the above requirements for ID Certificate
    3. The photo on the ID Certificate is inconsistent with the current image of Candidate
    4. The expiration date on the ID Certificate is earlier than the exam date
    5. The name and birthday on the ID Certificate do not match the information on the Admission Ticket
    6. The information chip reading function of the ID Certificate is missing

Registration Instructions:

  • AP Coordinators from each AP school will be responsible for verifying and submitting student and exam subject information in an exam roster to Prometric.
  • Only students and subjects submitted in the AP Coordinator’s roster will be eligible to complete exam registration with Prometric. Students who are not on the school roster will not be eligible to register for the AP Exams with Prometric.
  • All students with paid exam registrations will be guaranteed for test seat assignments.
  • Before registration and payment, students can visit Exam Location page or login MyAPChina website https://myapchina.prometric.com.cn to check the city where the corresponding test center is located. The specific exam location will be published in early April.
  • Student registration information including ID type, ID number, name, date of birth and test location will be included in the exam admission tickets (but cannot be changed), which will be available to download approximately one month before the exam.
  • Students must contact AP Services for Students for spelling name changes in APRO.
  • For AP Art and Design 2D, 3D, and Drawing and AP Research:
    • Registration and payment procedure will be the same as paper and pencil exams.
    • Test location is not relevant to these exams which are done via online digital submission only. When being asked to search test center location, input city name found by the step above. This is only needed in order to proceed the payment.
    • The exam date and time shown during registration is the deadline of Digital Portfolio submission.
    • Confirmation letter email will be sent to students after successful payment. Prometric will place order to allow students to complete the Digital Portfolio submission.
    • Only paid exams will be scored by AP. Registered students must meet the submission deadlines to upload and submit their digital works to be scored.
  • Please find registration, payment and confirmation timeline, instructions for AP Coordinators, Students/Parents on the Timeline page.
  • Testing accommodations for students with disabilities are offered ONLY if the student has been officially approved by College Board SSD Department. For SSD policy inquiry, please visit College Board: https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/administering-exams/administer-ap

Registration Fees:

  • ¥1478 per exam including a non-refundable ¥88 for processing fee and tax. Payment can be accepted via Alipay or WeChat Pay at the time of registration.
  • No cancellation will be allowed, and no refund will be given once the registration is completed.
  • ONLY in the case of force majeure (event or circumstance beyond the control of Prometric or College Board) and the testing center is not able to operate to deliver the test, then a refund (after deducting the non-refundable processing fee and tax) will be applicable. Refund amount will be transferred back to the original payment account which must remain active.
  • No make-up AP Exams will be provided. No refund for no shows or any other reasons. 

2025 AP Exam Schedule
2025 AP考试时间安排(请点击考试名字链接查看考试形式、结构和时长等详细信息)

Schedule for digital exams administered in person. AP Art and Design (2D, 3D, Drawing) and AP Research portfolio exams do not have a paper-and-pencil exam and have separate deadlines for digital portfolio submission.

以下是线下考试的时间表。AP Art and Design (2D,3D,Drawing) 和AP Research考试不提供线下考试,有单独的数字作品集提交截止日期。

WEEK 1: Morning 8:00 Local Time
Afternoon 12:50 Local Time
Monday, May 5, 2025
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
English Literature and Composition
Computer Science A
Thursday, May 8, 2025
星期四 2025年5月8日
Friday, May 9, 2025
无考试 Macroeconomics
WEEK 2: Morning 8:00 Local Time
Afternoon 12:50 Local Time
Monday, May 12, 2025
Calculus AB

Calculus BC
(Students must be enrolled in authorized AP Seminar course to register)
Tuesday, May 13, 2025


Environmental Science

Physics 2: Algebra-Based
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
English Language and Composition

Physics C: Mechanics

Thursday, May 15, 2025
Art History
Computer Science Principles
(Students must be enrolled in authorized AP CSP course to register)

Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Friday, May 16, 2025
Physics 1: Algebra-Based
LATE TESTING Morning 8:00 Local Time
Afternoon 12:50 Local Time
Thursday, May 23, 2025
Environmental Science
Computer Science Principles